All-in-one solution
to empower your growth connects your products to buyers worldwide. Harness powerful
seller tools to optimize your online storefront and
attract more traffic and inquiries.

Expand your global reach with ease

  • Hassel-free store launch service : Our Account Management service includes launching your online store. You prepare the photos and description, we do the rest.
  • Unlimited product listing : Unlimited product listing broadens your products’ reach and showcases your professional supply capability.
  • High global B2B buyer’s traffic :  40+ million active B2B buyers bring worldwide exposure to your online store.

Escalate your customer base

  • The world’s largest sourcing events : Boost your shop traffic through the world’s largest sourcing events March Expo and Super September to generate more leads and sales.
  • Request for Quotation (RFQ) : Increase sales conversion by proactively go after inquiries in RFQ markets where global buyers post their sourcing requirement.
  • Built-in CRM :  Simplifies your digital marketing efforts with their intuitive Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools. The built-in CRM tool gives you full visibility of your leads funnel.

Expedite your business success

  • Buyer insight database : Stand out from the competition by understanding the state of your category and which products perform best through demand analysis, trend analysis price comparisons, and more.
  • Target marketing tools : Find the right buyers for your products and market directly to them with advertising tools to increase exposure and conversions.
  • AI-powered performance analysis :  Continuously improve your store and sales from optimization suggestions and playbooks from the industry.

iTech is a one-stop Ecommerce offering Alibaba gold supplier, Alibaba Vas Service and IT services. Beneficial experienced Ecommerce professionals.

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